London lets its hair down at Europe's largest street party

Hundreds of thousands of people were expected at the Notting Hill Carnival in west London on Monday, a celebration of Caribbean culture that has become Europe's biggest street party

Revellers gathered to dance, drink and eat jerk chicken as samba and reggae beats blasted out over the suburb, turning the normally gentile neighbourhood into a raucous street party.
Exotic dancers in sequins and traditional steel drum bands paraded alongside brightly coloured floats making their way along the 3.5-mile (5.6-kilometre) route.
"Nobody's holding back, it's pretty lively, everyone's enjoying the sun and having a cracking time," said Gina Lyons, 24, from Brisbane in Australia.
With hundreds of police patrolling the streets, officials said the two-day party passed off peacefully, despite a string of arrests for low-level offences.
Police estimated the turnout at 500,000, more than double the number who gathered for the children's parade on Sunday, as people took advantage of warm weather on a public holiday.
"Yesterday we were really pleased from a policing perspective, (and) crime levels seem to be down from the same time last year and the arrests are down," said Chief Inspector Jo Edwards.
The mood was good-natured and family-friendly as large numbers of children accompanied their grandparents around the street stalls.
Residents, often with a bottle of wine in hand, watched from balcony windows as the carnival passed below.
Carnival began the 1950s in response to deteriorating race relations, and has been based in Notting Hill since 1964, a chance for London's Afro-Caribbean communities to celebrate their culture and traditions.
The event was marred by race riots in the past but in recent years has been viewed as a showcase for the British capital's mix of cultures.
There has been some opposition from local residents, but for most people, carnival -- held on a bank holiday weekend every August -- is a chance to let their hair down in one enormous free party.
Police maintain a visible presence, in particular to clamp down on anyone carrying knives or guns. By late Monday 133 people had been arrested, many for possession of drugs

Macaulay Culkin the father of Jackson's son

Macaulay Culkin is the father of Michael Jackson's youngest son.
The 'Home Alone' star - who became friends with Michael in 1990, when he was just 10 years old - reportedly donated sperm to create Prince Michael II, known as Blanket.
The sperm was then inserted into an unknown surrogate mother, and Blanket was born in 2002, when Macaulay was 22 years old.
An insider told Britain's Sun newspaper: "It is well known Jackson and Macaulay shared a unique bond.
"Now rumours are spreading like wildfire that Macaulay, who Jackson nicknamed Mack, is actually Blanket's biological dad."
Michael and Macaulay were close friends for years. The child star frequently visited the singer's Neverland ranch - where he raised eyebrows by sleeping in Michael's bed - and took the witness stand to defend him during his 2005 trial for child molestation.
Michael is said to have idolised Macaulay, and thought using his sperm to create a child would be the "next best thing" to being Macaulay's father.
The source added: "This isn't just chitter-chatter, even Culkin suspects he's Blanket's father. So many names have been mentioned as prospective dads, and this is probably the wackiest yet.
"But Jackson and Culkin were best friends. He was one of the few people Jackson really trusted and Mack never let him down. Really, Jackson idolised him - that's why he asked Mack to donate sperm.
"Deep down, I think he always wished Mack was his son. Creating Blanket was the next best thing."
Friends claim Michael - who died in June - was not the biological father of his other children Prince Michael I, 12, and Paris, 11.
'Oliver' star Mark Lester and Dr Arnold Klein have both claimed they are the father of the children after donating sperm to Michael in the 1990s.
Macaulay has not commented on the paternity rumours

Rihanna’s Evening out with her little brother

Getting in some quality time with her family, Rihanna treated her younger brothers to a Broadway show on Friday night (August 28) in New York City.
The “Good Girl Gone Bad” songstress, along with brother, Rajad, went to see the “Lion King” at Minskoff Theatre in Manhattan.A source says the Fenty duo enjoyed the show, laughing and singing along the whole time.
Afterward, when exiting the theatre, a photographer asked Rihanna for her reaction to the news of DJ AM’s death. Rihanna was visibly stunned and hurried to the waiting car.


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Michael Jackson's Sperm Being Flown to London for Safekeeping

He was hoping it could be used to conceive his fourth child, but his family now fears "rogue elements" could use it to get their hands on Michael's billion dollar estate. A source told Britain’s Daily Mirror newspaper:
It might sound crazy but when it comes to Michael anything is possible. With everything that’s at stake the last thing the Jackson family need is someone using his sperm to give birth to a child and produce another potential heir to Michael’s estate.The family know Michael authorised a number of people to access this sperm sample.
The problem is they don’t know who has access and given that a number of doctors have been implicated in his death then something sinister could easily happen. The Jackson family has reportedly chosen to store the sperm in the British clinic because it has "extremely strict" security.
A clinic source said: “The samples are kept behind unbreakable barriers and we have several layers of security operating around the sperm bank 24 hours a day.” Once there, the sample will be cryogenically frozen and stored under an anonymous identity number.
Michael had three children: Prince Michael I, 12, Paris, 11 and seven-year-old Prince Michael II, also known as "Blanket." His former wife Debbie Rowe is the mother of his eldest children, while Blanket's mother is unknown.
Michael's children Paris and Prince Michael I. Michael insisted he was the biological father of his children, but his dermatologist Arnold Klein claims he fathered Prince Michael I and Paris. Klein's lawyer Mark Vincent Kaplan said:
"There was a possibility that the two older kids could be biologically linked to Dr. Klein. And Dr. Klein was well aware." Klein has refused to take a DNA test to determine his biological relationship to the children. Kaplan explained:
"It would serve no helpful purpose for the children to be distracted from believing Michael Jackson is not the father in every possibility. It would be of interest to other people. It is not something Dr. Klein feels he is interested to establish.
It would serve no purpose other than creating distraction or noise. It is not going to help the children, other than to solve the answered question, which is a selfish motive to see who the ultimate provider of the 13 chromosomes is."

More X Factor family heartache as hopeful brings dead brother's son along to his audition

He sacrificed a place at last year’s X Factor auditions when he realised it clashed with his brother’s wedding.
To loyal Daryl Markham, being a best man for his younger sibling and ‘best friend’ Gary was more important than achieving his five minutes of fame.
But their brotherly bond took a tragic twist shortly after the ceremony, when Gary was diagnosed with lung cancer.
And just six weeks after the fatal diagnosis, the father-of-one lost his fight for life. He was only 37 years old when he died.

Bond: David Markham brought along his nephew Kian to the X Factor audition, after his father died of lung cancer last year
Tonight Daryl looks understandably nervous as he steps out in front of the live X Factor audience and judges Simon Cowell, Cheryl Cole, Dannii Minogue and Louis Walsh.
The 40-year-old carpenter has overcome his year of family heartache to finally take his shot at superstardom on the ITV reality show.

And it remains to be seen whether his rendition of Crazy Horse hit I Don’t Want To Talk About It is enough to win him a place in the next stage of the competition.
Dressed in jeans and a navy blue t-shirt, Daryl fights back emotion as he tells the judges about his late brother, with whom he shared a carpentry business.

Family ties: David sacrificed a place at last year's X Factor auditions when he realised it clashed with his late brother's wedding
‘Last year I applied to The X Factor but unfortunately it was my brother’s wedding day, well not unfortunately - it was fortunate. I was very proud to be his best man,’ he explains.
‘Unfortunately shortly after his wedding he was diagnosed with lung cancer and six weeks later he passed away.
‘Me and my brother were inseparable, we did everything together, he was my best friend. Only six weeks after being told, he died. He was only 37.
‘We had a business together, two benches next to each other, me and Gary. All his tools are still there.’
Daryl, from east Sussex, is accompanied to The X Factor audition by Gary’s nine-year-old son Kian.
‘I promised my brother I’d look after his young nine year old boy Kian. He’s a very bright young boy but goes back into himself,’ he says.
‘He doesn’t like to express himself too much, so we all have to be strong for him. That’s why I’m here today, to make him proud.’
‘I’ve always wanted to sing,’ he adds. ‘My dream would be to perform to an audience and hopefully I can go on stage, give my all and hopefully my voice will do the talking.’
More than 11 million people tuned in to watch.

Celebrity Homes.... Ozzy Osbourne's



(L-R) Kelly Osbourne, Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne and Jack Osbourne, arrive at the 15th Annual Elton John AIDS Foundation Academy Awards viewing party held at the Pacific Design Center on February 25, 2007 in West Hollywood, California. (Getty Images)

Kelly Osbourne was mortified as a teenager when dad Ozzy Osbourne objected to a skimpy thong her mother Sharon had bought her and immediately removed the garment by force. Kelly said:

One time, mum bought me thongs instead of big knickers. As I bent down, dad bellowed, "Kelly, you’re wearing a thong, Kelly? Thongs are for wh***s."I jumped out of my skin. He pinned me down and cut off my thong in front of my school friends.

They were standing there, mouths wide open as this piece of material no bigger than a string of dental floss was yanked out of my jeans.I died of embarrassment and burst into tears. Mum was hunched over the sink, laughing her head off, screeching, "Ozzy! No!" Kelly Osbourne.

The incident was not the only time Ozzy embarrassed Kelly in front of her friends, but the presenter insists she didn’t mind, even when he chased her pals round the family garden wearing just his pants.

The 24-year-old star explained in her autobiography Fierce: “Parents are parents and they embarrass you all the time. At my 13th birthday party, dad was really drunk, chasing everyone round in his underwear and a military hat.

All my friends were screaming and running around. It was crazy fun. One time dad dressed as a werewolf and locked my friends in the garden shed. The kids were crying and mum had to call their parents to come and collect


'I (finally) do': Couple squeeze in a wedding at long last - after having TEN children in 12 years

Happy family: Rachael and Jason Wong with their children (left to right) Robyn, Molly, Olivia, Riley, Tyler, Jasmine, Kai, Logan (being held by his father), Izabella and CodyRead . Naturally, their six daughters and four sons - aged from 22 months to 14 years - were bridesmaids and page boys at the ceremony.
'It was a really emotional day and everyone was in tears when the kids walked in,' said Mrs Wong.
'We put them in pairs - the eldest with the youngest and so on and they walked in front of me holding hands.
'It was the most perfect day. I feel complete now - like a proper family.'
Mrs Wong, 35, met her husband at the casino in which she was working as a croupier and they soon hit it off. In a little over a year she gave birth to their twin girls, Jasmine and Olivia, and Mr Wong, 37, proposed.
'The girls weren't planned and it was a huge shock to find out we were expecting twins,' said Mrs Wong, from Prescot on Merseyside.
'I didn't dare tell my mum until I was five months gone. We were so happy when the twins came along and I couldn't wait to start planning the wedding.'
The couple, who were living in a cramped two-bedroom flat.
They rescheduled for June 1998 but Mrs Wong was soon expecting and their plans were put on hold. Their third daughter, Robyn, now 11, was born in February 1998 followed by Molly, ten, in January 1999.
A fifth daughter, Tyler, eight, arrived in September 2000 and despite the size of their family they decided to try for a son.
They had their wish when Kai, seven, was born in April 2002.
Mrs Wong said: 'We didn't want him to be outnumbered by the girls. So we put the wedding off again to try for a baby brother for Kai.'
Their luck was in and Cody, five, was born in June 2004 followed by a third boy, Logan, four, in May 2005.
By now Mrs Wong had had enough and tried to persuade her husband to have a vasectomy so she could have her dream wedding.
The chef was unable to go through with the procedure however and Mrs Wong became pregnant again with Izabella, who was born in September 2006.
Mr Wong had the vasectomy a few months later but not before a tenth and last pregnancy which saw the birth of Riley, in October 2007.
Finally Mrs Wong was able to resume planning for her big day, even though with such a large family money was tight.
With the help of her friends she managed to arrange a wedding for £2,500 and even dropped four dress sizes, from 20 to 12, for the wedding, which took place on June 20.
Mr Wong said: 'I'll never forget how amazing Rachael looked on our wedding day. We have ups and downs like all couples.
'But the kids are great and me and Rachael are more in love today than ever.' His wife said: 'Neither of us are from big families and we definitely didn't plan it this way.
But we wouldn't change it for anything. 'I do get broody when I see babies, I just love being pregnant, but I know that's it now and I can look forward to having lots of grandchildren

Jaycee Lee Dugard walks into police station 18 years after disappearance

A woman who was abducted in 1991 at the age of 11 was waiting to meet her mother on Thursday after walking into a California police station and identifying herself as Jaycee Lee Dugard.
Jaycee Lee Dugard, who was kidnapped in California in 1991. Dugard reappeared after 18 years and got in touch with the police in Concord in northern California. Photo: EPA
Miss Dugard was abducted near her home in South Lake Tahoe on June 10, 1991 by two people in a gray sedan.
Her parents have spoken to the young woman over the phone and say they are convinced she is the daughter they believed they would never see again.
"I had personally given up hope," her stepfather Carl Probyn told ABC News. "I had just hoped for a recovery [of a body]... I've actually won the lotto."
He added: "She sounds like she's okay. She had a conversation with my wife and she remembers things. I hope she's been well treated this entire 18 years."
Her mother Terry Probyn and 19-year-old half-sister Shayna were flying from their home in southern California to be reunited with the woman who California authorities say is their long-lost relative.
Although the details of Miss Dugard's re-emergence are not yet clear, it is understood that Phillip Craig Garrido, 58, and Nancy Garrido, 55, are now in custody. Police were also said to be searching a home in Antioch, a suburb of San Francisco.
Mr Garrido, a registered sex offender with a prior conviction for rape, was being held on suspicion of kidnapping, rape, lewd and lascivious acts with a minor, sexual penetration and kidnapping, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.
Nancy Garrido was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy and kidnapping, the newspaper said.
Miss Dugard, who would now be 29, was seized by a man and a woman on the morning of June 10, 1991 as she walked to her school bus stop in her home town of South Lake Tahoe, California.
Mr Probyn heard his stepdaughter scream and saw her being forced into a grey car, but was unable to prevent the kidnapping, which became one of the most notious unsolved crimes in the US.
There were a number of reported sightings of the blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl in nearby towns in the years after her disappearance, but the trace ran cold and her family had resigned themselves to never seeing her again, although the case was never closed.
Rumours surfaced that she had been kidnapped by religious cult members or known child abusers, although police could find no firm leads.
Authorities were due disclose more information about Dugard's remarkable re-emergence – and how she has spent the last 18 years – in a news conference on Thursday afternoon.
But her case is already being compared to that of Natascha Kampusch, the Austrian girl held for more than eight years in a dungeon below the home of her abusive captor. Kampusch only secured her own freedom by escaping from her windowless cell in August 2006, after which her kidnapper Wolfgang Priklopil committed suicide.
Mr Probyn, who was initially a suspect in the case and was forced to take repeated lie detector tests, said that his wife, from whom he is estranged, initially believed the phone call she received from the FBI telling her the news was a hoax.
"To have this happen, where she walks into a police station, is really a miracle to get her back," Mr Probyn said. "And she sounds like she is doing okay. I don't know if she is married. I don't know if a cult took her, or if a couple who didn't have kids took her. I'll find out today all these answers."