Khion Brown and her 15-month-old daughter Tayjha, who survived a fall from the family's second floor window with nothing but bruising
But seconds later she pulled herself into a crawling position and started to make a fresh getaway, before her tearful mother scooped her up.
Miss Brown, 24, described the moment her three-year-old son Shakeem ran into the kitchen of their flat in Streatham, South London, and told her about his sister's fall.
She said: 'We were getting ready to go to the park and I was getting lunch ready.
'Shakeem came in and said "Mummy, Tayjha has fallen out the window". I ran out and looked down and just thought, "Oh my God, that's it".
'The first thing I saw was her eyes wide open and I thought "Thank God".

As she darted forward to hold her baby, neighbours held Miss Brown back, fearing any injuries the baby had could be made worse.
But then, without warning, resilient Tayjha rolled onto her stomach, pushed herself onto all fours and statred to crawl.
'It was only after she saw how upset I was and all the people around that she started crying,' Miss Brown said.
Two nights spend under observation in hospital revealed just how lucky the toddler had been - sustaining nothing worse than a few bruises.
'This proves there is a God and he loves children,' she told The Mirror. 'I can't stop smiling and crying. I can't imagine life without her.'
The window from which Tayjha climbed has now been screwed shut and Miss Brown said she had rearranged the lounge room to move furniture away from the window to protect her children.
'I have been through so many emotions this week I just want to keep them in my sight at all times now,' she said.
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