Last week Michael’s bodyguard Matt Fiddes spilled the beans about his love life but refused to identify his girlfriend.
Fiddes said, “I’m not going to name who she is but I think the family were aware that there was someone special in his life who he loved and adored and had his ups and downs with.
“I don’t know how long they’ve been a couple. I know she’s been with him for some time in different capacities but… it’s up to her if she wants it to come out or the family to speak about this very private information.”
And now the UK’s Sunday Mirror has identified the mystery woman–she’s his children’s nanny! Grace Rwaramba, who spent 17 years working for Michael, starting as his assistant and eventually became the children’s nanny.
“Grace was the closest person to Michael and the kids. She will be broken-hearted. The children were always their first priority and like any couple they would row if they disagreed about how they were being brought up. But the difference between Grace and the other women in Michael’s life was that she had absolutely no interest in fame.
“It was something she actively avoided and Michael was determined to keep her and their relationship out of the public gaze. The romance was well known among staff but it was made very clear to them that this was not something that should be part of the public domain.”
Now that her name is in the press this poor woman is going to get hounded by the paparazzi and the press. He did a great job of keeping his relationship under the radar. Are you surprised he had a secret relationship that no one knew about?
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