There's something especially sweet about dads hanging out with their kids -- and times the adorable-factor by a million when they're strapping actors who launch their tiny tots on their shoulders and stroll around the park. What's even better is when they're caught pushing hot pink strollers, like one of the dads featured here. Check out these oh-so-cute Hollywood father moments -- though there's nothing particularly Hollywood about them
David Beckham
It looks like David Beckham's kids are going to be stylin' just like their dad. From his mohawk and stud-magnet sunglasses to his cargo shorts and cool kicks, this kid's got "heartbreaker" written all over him.
President Baraka Obama is most definitely a family man. We're quite impressed, he has a country AND family to run.
Brad Pitt sure has his hands full with this brood. There aren't enough adult hands to go around for all the Jolie-Pitt kiddos, so the little ones get to ride up front.
Damon Dash's daughter's got one sweet ride. There's even an umbrella! It takes a real man to push a shocking pink stroller.
Will Smith and P. Diddy's kids are already red carpet ready -- complete with cool shades and all the right moves. Look out!
Suri Cruise looks like she's up way past her bedtime. Good thing her blankie's close at hand
Adam Sandler's daughter is learning fast how to make funny faces like her goofy dad.
Mark Wahlberg's daughter already has cuter boots than we do.

It looks like David Beckham's kids are going to be stylin' just like their dad. From his mohawk and stud-magnet sunglasses to his cargo shorts and cool kicks, this kid's got "heartbreaker" written all over him.

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