Age Appropriate Style

I can imagine many of you cringing when you read the title. I can imagine some of your thoughts: “Age-appropriate style?? Oh, no! Will she condemn us old folks to loafers and black clothing?”
The answer is no! This post is meant to help you navigate through all the different clothing styles with your age as a guideline. * Hopefully * all of you have read the “Signature Style” post. If not, I encourage you to do so. I will be referencing many things in that post. The foundation of age appropriate style is the “Classic Style”. Every single age group should have at least 10% of classic style. This is because the classic style is timeless and elegant; it will work for you throughout your life. God desires that all his daughters dress with dignity and strength. “Proverbs 31:25 She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” The clothes you wear affect your dignity. A lot. Different age groups need to wear different clothes because as you grow older, some clothes will not help you conduct yourself with dignity. Would a 70 year old feel classy and poised in a Hello Kitty T-shirt? I don't think so! If any style does not encourage you to conduct yourself in a worthy manner, then leave that style alone. Style should complement your class and dignity, not cheapen it. Remember that! In the sections below, I will give guidelines for dressing appropriately for each age group. I encourage you to read each section, because they shed light on different aspects of age-appropriate style. J

When you are a teen, it is the time to explore different styles. This is the time when you can experiment. Use this time to explore all the styles and figure out which one suits you. If you already figured it out, I would still encourage you to experiment at least a little. Make the mistakes now, rather than later, when they matter more. J Of course, don't go near the immodest and unfeminine styles, but other than that, it is a time to try out trends and styles. You can have as little as 10% classic style in these years. You don't want to look like an old granny, so make sure to tone down the classic style with younger styles such as, "Trendy Style" and "Romantic Style". :) Growing physically, emotionally, and spiritually, a girl in this stage of life changes a lot. Cultivate that gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth and God's sight. You are laying the foundation for your life, so make sure that foundation is Jesus Christ!
In the twenties, it is still a time to explore different styles. But, you should start sticking with your gorgeous personal style. Have the confidence to rock it! Trends are still good, but make sure they add to your class and poise, and don't detract. (for example: no viking helmets, please! ;) During the twenties, I suggest you dress 20-30% classic. The classic style is so easy to work with because it lays a great foundation for all the other styles. It is your glue, your cement, your thread. :) Discover what you love, and stay away from those things that you are not so happy with. :D
The thirties are a time when you should *radiate* in your personal style. Hopefully by now you have figured out what your personal style is! Depending on the category, your personal style should be 40%-50% of your style, and to add age-appropriateness, you should be 30% classic. Or more. While you are in your thirties, I suggest you start having an accent style, or a style that is not as major as your personal style, but the style you like second best. This style will add the flair you need in your clothing. For example, if someone's personal style is Romantic, they could start having an accent style of Dramatic. Don't ask me how that would work, but if you are creative and confident enough, it will probably look good! During the thirties, start to think about what is behind the clothes: you. Remember that you want to dress with class and style as you get older. When you are younger you can dress with style and some class, but class is accumulated as you grow. Start to acctively accumulate it. Keep an eye out for elegant, stylish women. What do they do that you admire? What could they do better? How can I emulate her class and poise? (of course, don’t say these to her!) Watch and learn.
I think that it is important that the older a woman gets, the more classic and timeless her style should be. The 40s are on the middle part of the spectrum. During this time, I would suggest you start ignoring the trends and develop timeless elegance. This is the time to get to know yourself and spend some more ME-time. (If possible!) Learn about ettiquette, find a style role model, learn to conduct yourself with poise and grace, and gain class. Now, it is less about the clothes, and more about your conduct and air. During this time, I suggest you are 10% or less the trendy style, 40% or more the classic style, and 40% your own style. The percentage you have left can be for your accent style. Remember to still occasionally check up on trends. Don’t get stuck in a time rut!
Classic elegance. Personal flair. These are the two phrases that should describe the 50s. During the 50s, 50% classic style or more will allow you to focus intimately on your own style. Your own style should be about 40%, and your accent style should be about 10%. By the time you are in your fifties, it is likely that you have an air of elegance, a confidence in yourself, and poise in your conduct and words.
60 plus:
You are now a classy, graceful lady. Poise and dignity are the main elements of your style. During the 60s and beyond, your style will be about 60% classic, 35% personal style, and 5% accent style. You will be able to focus on your personal style, and people will notice the little bits and pieces that you use to make your outfit stand out. Become a role model for younger ladies and encourage that Titus 2 spirit. :) Encourage them in their modesty and femininity. You have a lifetime of watching all the trends; you are now the woman that everyone will be emulating and watching. They seek the class and dignity you have. Please, share the lessons you learned!  
God bless!
~Southern Belle


Tiger Woods’ ex-Wife dating a South African man

According to UK’s Sun, Nordegren has been seeing a 35-year-old South African man she met while studying at Rollins College in Winter Park, Fla. Other reports indicate the couple was seen smooching and cuddling in public.
“Elin is a home type gal and loves being with her children, so she may be more eager to remarry than she should be at this point,” a close friend of Elin’s revealed, adding that she is eager to have more children.
After a highly publicized divorce from the professional golfer earlier this year, Nordegren who reportedly got a $100 million ( R700 million) divorce settlement wants to move on and continue to stay out of the public eye. Nordegren and her children plan to spend the holidays with her family in Sweden, while Woods will stay in Florida.

Romantic style

Gibson Girl (
The romantic style evokes images of the past: the charming Gibson girl,  Dior's "New Look", and French aristocrats with their ruffles. ;) The romantic recognizes and enjoys beauty in everything, and often yearns for the styles of old. Radiating in her femininity, the romantic dresser (I know... that term sounds... weird ;) often wears skirts and dresses. This style can often overlap with some bohemian pieces because both styles are flowy and floral. The romantic often prefers curly or wavy hair, and spent much of her childhood twisting her hair into rag curls! (Confession: I did ;) A romantic dresser is inspired by the past, but knows that God has a perfect place for her in the world today. (When dressing in the romantic style, make sure to combine the vintage pieces with "modern" romantic pieces. A good rule of thumb is no more than 1 or 2 vintage pieces per outfit. :)
Modesty Score: The romantic style of dressing can be very modest. Since the romantic style calls upon the vintage style of dress, the clothing is relatively modest. However, the length of your dresses and skirts should be monitored, and if your skirt or dress is shorter, make sure the flowy fabric will not be lifted up by the wind! Make sure your shirts are high enough, and that your sleeves are substantial. Often this style of dressing will have sheer clothing, so make sure to wear a slip or camisole as necessary! One more important aspect of this style: since lingerie often has a lacy, sheer look, make sure that your clothes look like clothes, not underclothes!
Femininity Score: The romantic style is the most feminine you can ever get. I wouldn’t worry too much about being feminine when your primary style is romantic. J I would like to note that I believe all women should try to emulate elements of the romantic style. The reason? God desires his daughters to dress as true women, with femininity and modesty. Using a little of the romantic style will help your clothing to become more feminine!

Age-appropriate Score: How does the Romantic style score age wise? Can a 75 year old dress 100% romantic? If you all have read the “Age Appropriate Style” post, you will know that I encourage you to start dressing in a more classic style as you grow older. Use the guidelines in the post for helping you know how much romantic style is appropriate as you grow older. The romantic style is wonderful for all ages, as long as you take care not to look like a little girl on her way to ballet class. ;)

Here are some of the essentials for a romantic dresser: (The links under the photos are for copyright purposes only! The websites might contain questionable information, so use discretion if you would like to look them up.)
Lace! On shirts, skirts, dresses...
Lace dress... it is gorgeous!!!
(Newport News)

Ruffled shirt (
Dainty, floral tea dresses (Vogue)
Vintage Jewelry (
Pink, vintage sunhats (
Pink! A romantic dresser adores pink :)
Pastel colors!
Crotcheted Jacket or Shawl
Pink silk scarf (this one is from Hermes)
Flowers: in the hair, on a headband, on your blouse....
Gloves :)
A vintage parasol! Lace, of course.
Victorian Era pearls and jewelry
Ruffled black tie dress in pink! (but of course ;)
A cocktail dress in pink!
Any ballerina skirt! (a full skirt held out by many petticoats)
Your dream wedding dress....
Gypsy Skirts
Ruffles! On shirts, dresses, skirts...
Pink ballet flats
Espadrilles in pastel colors
Pink pumps
White Jeans 
White Peasant Skirt

The romantic dresser combines old with new.  The best places for her to shop are:
Coldwater creek
Newport News
Vintage and thrift stores
If you can sew, looking at Vogue patterns from the 1950s is a very good idea. If you don't sew, see if you can find a seamstress at your church. :) If you want a 1950s ballerina skirt, be sure to get a 1950s petticoat too!

The romantic dresser is summed up in these two photos:

A Southern Belle
Two young ladies from the 1950s.

I hope this short post has helped all you romantic dressers at heart to learn about the basics of your style. God bless!
~Southern Belle
(Note: some of the ideas I wrote here are influenced by

Signature Style

Audrey Hepburn
To be truly chic, a woman must know the building blocks of style. One of the major building blocks is knowing your personal style. Understanding your unique style comes from knowing yourself, and being confident in expressing who God created you to be. We are God’s children, and we are beautiful in his eyes. Do not hide the woman he meant you to be, just because it isn’t “in”. If you love loafers and L.L bean, don’t down a ruffled lace cardigan and sky high pink heels just because everyone else is. The truly stylish women were comfortable in their own skin. Two examples are Grace Kelly and Audrey Hepburn. When one thinks of these two women, they often think, ‘Beauty, class, and style.’ Similar words were used to describe these two women, but they were uniquely different. These two women discovered that trends came and went, but style remained. They wore what they loved, what gave them confidence, and if that was “in” then wonderful! But if it wasn’t, they still wore it, and looked utterly fabulous. Style is discovering who God made you to be, and expressing that with confidence.

Fashions fade, style is eternal.
Yves Saint Laurent
Zest is the secret of all beauty. There is no beauty that is attractive without zest.
Christian Dior
Elegance is a question of personality, more than one's clothing.
Jean-Paul Gaultier
Style is primarily a matter of instinct.
Bill Blass
While clothes may not make the woman, they certainly have a strong effect on her self-confidence - which, I believe, does make the woman.
Mary Kay Ashe
Fashion condemns us to many follies; the greatest is to make ourselves its slave.
Napoleon Bonaparte
“Style” is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style.
John Fairchild
Although the names of different styles vary in different sources, there are about 7 categories of personal style. Often, you will relate to two or even three of the categories.
In each of these posts, I will describe the style, list the style essentials, and give it a rating on its modesty, femininity, and age-appropriateness. 
God bless!
~Southern Belle