Bonjour! :) Yet again, I am starting another series, this time on etiquette. (Yes, I am still continuing my other ones... ;) The topic for today will be about sitting down in a ladylike, graceful manner. You may wonder, 'Er, why is this important? I understand you're into ladylikeness, style, grace, elegance, fashion, poise, class, and glamour... but is it truly necessary to devote a whole post to the art of sitting?!' Constantly, I see women {and men} sitting in a completely vulgar way, and frankly, it looks awful and it is truly disgusting to watch. Etiquette isn't about personal comfort; it is about respect for yourself and those around you. You will feel like a lady when you sit in a classy way, and people will treat you like one. Don't wave aside this topic, no matter how idiotic and tedious this may seem, as it will truly benefit you in the long run! =)
Slouch. Sit up straight, even when you have to sit for two hours.... determination is a virtue! |
~When crossing your legs....
Angle the supporting leg to the side and keep your ankles as close as possible! {see above example} |
Right above, we have an incredible example of
Vivien Leigh looking classy while crossing her legs in a skirt. However, unless you have posture and poise to match her, please refrain from crossing your legs in a skirt.... it ruins the feminine loveliness of your dignity. =) This is my opinion, and if you feel elegant while crossing you legs in a skirt, I will not say a word. ;)
~When sitting down......
You can fold your hands, palms facing up, like this lovely example :) |
~When wearing a skirt.....
Tuck one foot under the other :) It looks ladylike, feminine and lovely! |
~When wearing pants....
You have license to cross your legs. Even though I don't like it ;) So if you must, *feel* free.... =) |
~When wearing a skirt....
Don't cross your legs. =) Why? Crossing your legs is a "male" position, and frankly, it looks strange when you have a skirt on. And yes, I am anti-feminist. Were you wondering? ;) |
Sit with your feet apart. =) |
~When wearing pants, preferably....
Tuck one foot under the other, as the beautiful Grace Kelly demonstrates :) |
~In public, pants or not, NEVER....
Sit like this.... or lounge about, sticking your feet up in the air.... enough said. |
~You may.....
Fold your hands and place them in your lap, and it will look gorgeous :) |
~If you hate all this complexity, just think, "Knees together, and ankles together. :) No stress!" There is absolutely no hassle in that!
How is tucking one foot under the other going? If you find it difficult, you are NOT alone! Here is a funny video from Princess Diaries about her experiences with this pose.... ;)
It was so fun writing this post. ;) I must improve in my elegance and poise.... =)
God bless!
~Southern Belle
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