President has won one major battle - he has given up smoking, according to his wife Michelle.
The First Lady says her husband has not smoked in almost a year, adding that she is very proud.

An undated photo of Barack Obama smoking in front his family's hut in Kenya
Mrs Obama made the comments in an interview at the White House Tuesday, adding that the President has always wanted to quit.He has talked about his struggles with nicotine addiction in the past, acknowledging in June 2009 that he still sneaked off for the occasional puff.
The White House last addressed the topic in December, when press secretary Robert Gibbs said he had not seen Mr Obama smoke in nine months, but he stopped short of asserting that he had quit.
Speaking to CNN's State Of The Union at the time, Mr Gibbs said: 'It was a commitment that I think he made to himself at the end of the health care and with his two daughters in mind.'
He added that Mr Obama still chews Nicorette gum, but nine months was the longest time he had gone without smoking.
In March, the president's first medical examination since taking office at the Navy hospital outside Washington confirmed he had not given up smoking.
Mr Obama is sensitive about the habit and often short with reporters who raise it with him.
Asked about the actual date the President quit, Mrs Obama said she didn't know exactly 'because he never smoked a lot' - and because she never saw him light up.
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