When his girlfriend caught him cheating on Facebook, love rat Joe Page knew he had some serious grovelling to do.
And when furious Jess Little threw him out of their Brighton flat, he realised drastic action was needed, fast.
So the 26-year-old made his apology as public as possible - by writing a full confession on a sandwich board and parading his infidelity around the seaside city.

His sandwich board read: 'I cheated on my girlfriend. I am humiliating myself to show I am sorry.
'I love her so much. I will do anything to get her back. I am so sorry.'
He was was caught out when Jess, an artist, found flirty messages on his Facebook account.
He put his hands up to a date with another woman during a rocky period in their relationship.

He said his confession drew a mixed reaction from shoppers.
He said: 'It was interesting when I saw couples. The man seemed to be horrified that someone was going to these sort of lengths. I thought the girls would be angry.
'I think people had some sympathy for me because I looked like a complete idiot.'
One onlooker said: 'All the women were laughing. The men were trying their best not to acknowledge him.
'One woman said: "Ah, it's so romantic".'
While stand-up comedian Joe was keen to make his humiliation as public as possible to prove his regret, shy Jess did not want anything to do with his stunt.
She did, though, agree to meet him in town. When she saw his sandwich board she told him to take it off and the couple walked to the beach for peace talks.
Eventually she gave him one more chance, allowing him home. But he will be sleeping on the sofa for now.
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